The Bare Haus How do you see yourself and have you listened through your body

Ever considered listening THROUGH your body?

 Our body is literally the most magical thing there is. It stores all unprocessed emotions and traumas that we’ve experience. I believe that true change in reality/healing requires shifting the mind and releasing/processing through the body. 

This week in the Reality Shift Mastermind we are discussing our body and how we relate to it. 

As woman we are programed from such a young age to compare our bodies, and having toxic beauty standards doesn’t help. We are taught that periods are meant to keep secretive from men as that it might turn them off or gross them out. GOD FORBID -_-.  Not to mention that we are sexualized from the moment we start growing little lumps in our breast. This all subconsciously can make us believe that our body is something we should be shameful about. Something we need to hide and can slowly start to disassociate from it. 

Also being woman of color, experiencing this myself first hand, we are usually taught via example from the other woman in our family that we are to care for others. Growing up all the woman in my family made sure that the men in our house ate, had clean clothes and were boarder-line treated like kings. It may look like a form of love/care but it's also culturally expected. This created conditionality around being loved and that just isn't love. By prioritizing others we are taught that we must first nourish ourselves before we can nourish others. How about the woman who had to grow up caring for their siblings  due to need or culture? 

Our self value stems from how we see ourselves which influences how we take care of ourselves. How we show up for ourselves. If we grow up seeing that our bodies are shameful and that we must prioritize other peoples well-being before ours, where does this leave us? 

Your body speaks. If we are willing to listen it will tell you its story, its depth, its pain and the joys. We are so numb to it that many of us have can't hear it anymore. 

As homework in the mastermind I have the woman answering these questions to create awareness. This will help turn the volume up and reestablish that connection that we once had. 

How do you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you struggle to see yourself?

How do you speak about your body? How can it be kinder?

How do you show it that you love it? How did you learn that method and is it truly satisfying your needs? How can you love it a bit more?

I also have them doing some activities that can help surface feelings and thoughts that are buried. My favorite one is what I like to call the Naked Mirror Standoff. 

Stand in front of the mirror naked for 5 mins. Look at yourself, head to toe. Every inch. See what thoughts come up. See what your body is tell you. Tears can surface, anger and hate might. Love and sexual desires might. Don't judge any of them. When done write it all down. 

This practice can be uncomfortable for some but I promise that the more you practice it the more beauty you will see in you. You are magnificent. 

Have you ever tried any of these if so what did you experience? Any thoughts on the topic? Would love to hear and start a convo. 

Love you.  

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